Friday, 27 September 2013

apply-strsplit-rowwise including sort and nested paste

apply-strsplit-rowwise including sort and nested paste

I guess I just don't see it, but all the similar thing I found on the Net,
in the Mailinglist archives or the FAQ could not really elucidate my
The closest I have found was this: apply strsplit rowwise
I have a df, with two character columns and one numerical column. Filled
like this:
Now I would like to find the unique rows in this, however, only based on
the two name columns. And for those columns, the order of the columns has
no significance, thus i can not use duplicated, if I understood it
So I thought about combining the two name columns row wise, make a rowwise
sorting, and print out a paste of the vector (length=2 in combination with
something like sapply).
However I did not get it to work.
So far, I used a for loop, but this takes ages on the original data.
for(i in 1:length(df$name1)){
Any suggestions are welcome. Maybe I just understand unique and sapply in
a wrong way.

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